
There are some that UNDERSTAND….


Video Games work! some say they may be geeks, gamers, loser or tosers.

We all know…..and soon people will KNOW…

THERE IS art, skill, discipline and “magic” (coming soon!) to GAMING.

Will you will the POT?

1st PRIZE takes 35%

2nd PRIZE takes 10%

3rd PRIZE takes 2.5%

ENTRANCE FEES capped not likely subject to tournament, number max based on VIDEO GAME room caps YET the IDEAL of THIS SITE is VERSATILITY and TRASH TALKING yet no threats beyond fun….kids welcome, adults supervision not required. Games will be monitored by kids and unwelcome guest asked through decoding off the game SHOULD there be suspect of SEXUAL, THREAT of VIOLATION and REMARKS otherwise remarked as ASSININE for people trying to have some fun not being harmed. People and parents read that again.



  1. FUN is PRIORITY… as well
  2. Water close by to stay hydrated!
  3. Keep contact [email protected] informed if TREATS, SEXUAL DEVIANTS or MALICEOUS nature BUT no whimps…..but all considered notices will be taken seriously
  4. Have fun!


Through eMONEY or PAYPAL to emails of self, parent or guardian.

Maximum transfer in one day is $500 of POT broken BUT full will be add to you in installments subsequent day(s).

Make note I AM ETHICALLY BASED….but under no conditions will fees be returned if you are STEALING money from parents, or falling ill during time of tournaments. Tournament fees are kept LOW….have fun!


No one cares! YET….some kids love to TRASH TALK the ADULTS that think they are BETTER….

Have fun….no age exceptions……SWEARING is NOT MONITORED, true TREATS are! Parents monitor if you must…..that should be common practice.